Songs for the Practice

1. Breathing In, Breathing Out

Breathing in, Breathing out

Breathing in, Breathing out

I am blooming as a flower

I am fresh as the dew

I am solid as the mountain

I am firm as the earth

I am free

Breathing in, Breathing out

Breathing in, Breathing out

I am water, reflecting

What is real, what is true

And I feel there is space

Deep inside of me

I am free, I am free, I am free


2. The Island Within

Breathing in,

I go back to the island within myself.

There are beautiful trees within the island.

There are clear streams of water.

There are birds, sunshine and fresh air.

Breathing out,

I feel safe.

I enjoy going back to my island.


3. Happiness 

Happiness is here and now

I have dropped my worries

Nowhere to go, nothing to do

No longer in a hurry.


Happiness is here and now

I have dropped my worries

Somewhere to go, something to do

But I don’t need to hurry.


4. I Am A Cloud

I am a cloud, I am the blue sky,

I am a bird spreading out its wings

I am a flower, I am the sunshine,

I am the earth receiving a seed.


And I am free when my heart is open

Yes I am free when my mind is clear

Oh dear brothers, oh dear sisters,

Let’s walk to together mindfully (joyfully). (2x)


5. I Have Arrived, I Am Home

I have arrived, I am home

In the here and in the now (2x)

I am solid, I am free

I am solid, I am free

In the ultimate, I dwell

In the ultimate, I dwell


6. In Out

In out,

Deep slow

Calm ease,

Smile release

Present Moment,

Wonderful Moment.


7. Gatha For Walking Meditation

The mind can go in a thousand directions

But on this lovely path, I walk in peace.

With each step, a gentle wind blows

With each step, a flower blooms.


8. I Like The Roses

I like the roses, I like the daffodils

I like the mountains, I like the rolling hills

I like the twinkling stars when the sun goes down

doo ba dee doo ba dee doo ba dee doo ba dee doo ba dee doo ba dee doo ba dee doo ba dee doo (2x)


9. In Gratitude

In gratitude, you have watered seeds

of love in me, in gratitude...

In gratitude, I will water seeds of love

in someone new...

I know you’re there for me

And I am so happy...

In gratitude, you have watered seeds

of love in me, in gratitude...

In gratitude, I will water seeds of love

in someone new...

And when you suffer some,

Please call and I will come...


10. Please Call Me By My True Names

My joy’s like spring so warm.

It makes flowers bloom all over the Earth,

My pain’s like a river of tears,

so vast it fills the four oceans.


Please call me by my true names,

So I can hear all my cries and laughter at once.

So I can hear that my joy and pain are one.


Please call me by my true names,

So I can wake up

And the door of my heart could be left open.


11. No Discrimination

The sun, it shines on everyone (2x)

No discrimination, no discrimination

The rain, it falls on everyone (2x)

No discrimination, no discrimination

My heart belongs to everyone (2x)

No discrimination, no discrimination


12. No Coming, No Going

No coming, no going

No after, no before

I hold you close to me

I release you to be so free

Because I am in you and you are in me (2x)


13. And When I Rise

And when I rise,

Let me rise like a bird, joyfully

And when I fall,

Let me fall like a leaf, gracefully, without regrets.


And when I sit,

Let me sit like a mountain, solidly

And when I lay,

Let me lay like a lake, calm and still, reflecting all.


And when I work,

Let me work like a bee, lazily

And when I play,

Let me play like the rays, of the sun, rejoicingly.


14. Dear Friends

Dear friends, dear friends,

Let me tell you how I feel.

You have given me such treasures,

I love you so.


15. The Two Promises

I vow to develop understanding, in order to live peacefully with people, animals, plants and minerals (2x) Mmm ahh, Mmm ahh

I vow to develop my compassion, in order to protect the lives of people, animals plants and minerals (2x) Mmm ahh, Mmm ahh


16.  Four Part Peace Song

1. Om mani padme hum (Oh the jewel in the lotus)

2. Shalom, Shanti (Peace in Hebrew and Sanskrit)

3. La Ila-ha, Il Allah hu (there is no God but God)

4. Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Glory to God in the highest)


17.  I love nature

I love nature, nature is cool!

The forest is my classroom the earth is my school.

Trees are my teachers, animals are my friends.

And on this school all life depends.

18. Irish Blessing

May the Road rise with you.

May the Wind be always at your back.

May the Sun shine warm upon your face.

May the Rain fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again.

May Love hold you, in the hollow of  Her Hand.


19. Standing Like a Tree 

Standing like a tree with my roots down deep,

And my branches wide and open

Come down the rain,

Come, come, come down the sun,

Return to the Earth, return to the one


You are so tall, your leaves are so green

How could we live without you? (2x)

Trees give us shade and trees give us air to breathe, we are one family, we are all related

You are so tall, your leaves are so green

How could we live without you? (2x)

I will hug the trees, they will shelter me

I will protect the trees and they will protect me